Friday "Preview" Night
Work went longer than normal so when I got home, the race was on to get everything together for Marius. Apart from the makeup test back in April, I didn't really know what I was doing in that department so it took way longer than planned. Caught a ride down with Cil aka Chell from Portal 2 and swanked around for a couple of hours before we all packed it off to the Hop n' Brew pub for some well-earned pints.
Photos of our crew haven't made it to the internets yet but there are a few kicking around here and there. So, without further ado, I give you the following:

(Ganked from LoneHowler at
I wish I could say I was hanging my gut out on purpose there and not be lying slightly. It's the sash, I swear. Stole Thomas More's collar of Esses as substitute bling until I make my own. For the hair, I decided earlier in the week to cut down a rather crappy black wig I've had lying around and make it a bit gray with that spray-in hair dye. Good thing Marius is kind of a haggard dude because, man, that was some haggard-looking hair.
And I never thought it would happen - someone recognized the costume! He didn't make it all the way to Marius but he came damned close:
Him: Wait. I think I know what that is.
Me: Are you serious?
Him: Yeah. Warhammer Fantasy?
Me: Yup!
Him: Empire?
Me: Hell yeah!
Him: Are you one of the elector counts?
Me: YES!
Him: I can't quite remember the colours. Nuln?
Me (with flail): OMG ITS AVERLAND. BLACK AND YELLOW. Marius Leitdorf! The crazy one! Him: OH YEAH!!!!
Another guy thought I was one of the greatswords - props to him because he had the context right. Buuut speaking of swords, see that giant-ass one I've got? Yeah, that was made by the ridiculously talented Inkibus, who is a sheer genius when it comes to prop fabrication. She also did the weapons for Giovanni. Thanks again, Inki! All of your work was the icing on the cake!
Saturday is going to stick in my brain for a looong time to come. Got up very early to do Giovanni's makeup and get dressed.

There's a scene at the start of the ACII Lineage films where he's getting all his gear on - I can tell you right now that it's not that easy and you need at least one other person. Thankfully, Deez aka La Volpe aka my room-mate was on-hand to set me straight and to make sure we had all of the stuff as we piled frantically into the car. After making a quick pit-stop at the grocery store to buy tomatoes for our skit, we got down to the Con.
To be continued....
Eagerly awaiting part 2 and pics!