Last week, a pair of medieval underwear added themselves to my collective kit. I took the short braies pattern out of The Medieval Tailors Assistant and sewed them together by hand (pretty near everything on my jousting soft clothes will be hand-sewn so I can feel cool and authentic like the guys in Europe). There was a lot of trial and error with the pattern, mostly due to my brain which didn't feel like working that evening, but eventually the pattern was honed down until it looked like this:
After a few episodes of The Tudors, that became this:

Yep, those ARE iPhone photos and yep, I AM too lazy to see why the computer won't display the second one properly.
These are a linen/cotton blend; for my first pair, I didn't want to crack out the expensive handkerchief linen quite yet. Besides, that will be used for the shirt. These are a neat little project if you're looking for something easy* that you can start and finish in one evening. Not even remotely flattering but tremendously comfy.
Halloween has gone off on a tangent. Instead of Lorenzo de' Medici, I'll be doing a Supah Sekrit costume using some stuff I already have with the additional of a few new things. See below:
Hint: It's not a bra. Stay tuned...
Lastly, I got a text from my jousting coach this afternoon: "Hey, do you think you can make some 1530s soft clothes by next week?" I lol'd and then said yes. So hence the stress. Went out this afternoon to get the fabric and ended up with some dark blue velvet for the gown and some brown for the jerkin - just going to do those two and we'll cobble together the rest from stuff we already have. Also scored some lovely tannish faux fur that looks more like the latter than the former (for once) so we'll see how this goes together. Again, stay tuned....
*Easy, provided your brain is working better than mine was that evening...
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