Did the dry-run for the Supah Sekrit Halloween costume tonight (and am still doing it, I guess, because I've still got it on) and it's fab. So nice to be able to take something I've already got, add a couple of things and have a completely different outfit (instead of making something vastly complicated in a panic three weeks before, as has been the case for the last... oh... five years).
Pics after tomorrow night.
Also, eyebrow-pencil!facial hair gives me the lulz. Just sayin'.
Actually, what HAVE the past five Halloweens looked like? Let's do a recap.
Reed Cassidy from Flyboys, 2006
Nicolaus Copernicus, 2007
Lorenzo de' Medici, 2008
The Emperor of Mankind, Warhammer 40K, 2009 (People are pretty keen on flaming this one on deviantArt)
Prince Nuada, Hellboy: The Golden Army, 2010 (Nuada was actually made for Con-Version the weekend before Halloween but he counts because he was made in a panic too)
Halloween, 2011
Quelle mystery! But I am excited because it's flexible enough to play Twister in at the party tomorrow night (not like Nuada...) and because I think it'll give the Nerd Posse some lulz (because they were there when I conceived the idea). I'm lookin' at you, P & C and Cil!
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